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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hybrid Granola - somewhat moist, but still crunchy

Cooking Granola on a bright clear morning, waiting for the temperatures outside to rise. Welcome to my world.

HYbrid of Eva's and Maya's granola recipe. This does not require the total demolition of a blender to grind up the dates, and keeps the kitchen cleaner. Just chop them up and add water to the mixture before cooking. Watch the video for sequence.


  1. Diana writes:

    Go to Trader Joes or wherever and raid the NUT and DRIED FRUIT section for;
    -dried peaches,apples,pears MANGO, blueberries, strawberries, bananas, berry mix
    -pine nuts,macadamia nuts, cashews,pistachios, pumpkin seeds,flax seeds, wheat germ

  2. This is exactly the information I'm looking for, I couldn't have asked for a simpler read with great tips like this... Thanks! Granola


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