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Monday, November 8, 2010

Fish and Shrimp Moqueca-a Brazilian Stew (Jessie and Steven)

¼ cup olive oil
1 medium onion
3 assorted peppers
1 lb fish fillets of your choice
1 lb large shrimp
3 tomatoes seeded and peeled
1 tbs chopped cilantro
Salt and pepper to taste
1 Tbs palm oil
½ cup coconut milk

In a skillet, heat olive oil and add ½ of the onions (chopped) and ½ of the peppers (chopped). Saute until light brown. Add the shrimp, tomatoes, remaining peppers (sliced), and onions (sliced). Simmer about 15 minutes. Add the palm oil and coconut milk. Add the fish fillets and simmer a little more. Don’t simmer for too long or the fish will crumble. If stew needs thickening, just make a mix of 1 Tbs of all purpose flour and ¼ cup of milk and add to the sauce.

Steven and I first had moqueca in the Bahia region of Brazil and both loved it. It might have helped that we were sitting at an outdoor table and looking out on swaying hammocks and a white sandy beach. The palm oil gives it a very distinctive flavor. Our housekeeper Silvia taught us how to make it.

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