Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Allen's Granola

I like my version of breakfast cereal, not as artsy other's but worth giving it a try. I make it (actually, I prefer the term assemble it) fresh every day one bowl at a time, which gives it an artisan-variability-surprise quality. 
Here is the recipe: provide a base of Grape nut Cereal, add wheat germ, raisins or either color, crumbled walnuts and/or other nuts, sliced bananas, pieces of any other fruit hanging out in your kitchen (I like apple, but strawberries, blueberries, peaches, and even pineapple are possibilities) being careful not to over fill your bowl, and finally add milk (I use 2% but full fat natural milk is better of course and cream is still better and who knows these days perhaps better for you. I have been know to use yogurt - it is so in now but really milk is easier with the complexity of this mix) and stir. For variety throw in toasted oats. 
No need to add oil, sugar, molasses or honey. 

Bowl, spoon, imagination

No need to worry about burning the oats, the slivered almonds or your tongue because all ingredients are cold and remain so during prep and eating. And if you do wish to add ingredients such as toasted oats and slivered almonds, toast them on their own so you can give them your full attention or subcontract that bit to your sous chef. Best to make the coffee first so that it is ready when you have completed the assembly of your cereal. Note that no measurements are required or even desireable for the assemblage. Every day is different.

Updates from Sour Chef Nirelle:
Oats are placed in a more or less flat layer on a plate, or the glass bottom of the Microwave.  Toast on high for a minute, stir, and toast again for less time, till color is just chaned - careful, they burn easily once alsmost done, so just a very light color chane is what you need.

Almonds, whole, a fistful, placed on the glass bottom of the Microwave and done for 1min 20 secs; stir, for another 1 min., or min and 20 secs.  Imperceptible change of color but a slight aroma is present.

Slivered almonds done the same way just less time.

The wheat Germ is Kretchmer's toasted wheatgerm, the only tasty one and very slightly toasted.

If you hate the Microwave idea, then do dry in frying pan stirrin constantly and bein careful not to burn by taking off flame way before you think they are toasted.  A very light toasting indeed is all you need.

1 comment:

  1. The bran and germ, the two outer layers of best brown rice, contain most of the vitamins and minerals in the grain. Those layers get removed when manufacturers make white rice, and that's why brown rice is the healthier choice.
