Monday, November 8, 2010

Shepherd's Pie (Allen and Nirelle)

12 oz fish
A) 1/4 cup carrots
1/4 cup onions
1/4 cup celery
B)1/4 cup snow peas
1/2 cup mushrooms
1/2 cup plum tomatoes
C) 1 1/2 tbs fresh parsley
D) 1/4 cup breadcrumbs
salt and pepper
Mashed potatoes or Basmati rice

Saute A on medium for 2 minutes
Add 1/4 cup water and stew until water gone.
Add B and cover and cook awhile.
Add fish and spices and cook covered on medium for 8 to 10 minutes or until
fish is tender.
Add C, break up fish and gently mix all ingredients.

While doing all that you have made mashed potatoes with, say, six medium sized beauties. Alternatively you cooked 2 cups of Basmati rice.

Now butter an ovenproof dish, line bottom with mashed potatoes or rice, add mixture, cover with mashed potatoes or rice using a spatula to good advantage and finally sprinkle breadcrumbs and dots of butter on top.

Finally, whew, bake at 375F for 30 minutes. Serve HOT. It is not really such a big deal to prepare after you have done it once. The tough part is spreading the mashed potatoes on top. They have to be loose enough to spread. And placing the dots of butter on has always been a problem for me. I haven't figured out how to get the butter off my finger and on to the soft topping. If you manage that it’s a go.

This shepherd likes fish. Sea bass works well. And pretty much it is a one dish meal although some hummus with cukes and carrots or a light salad complements the dish.

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